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Page history last edited by Ivis Sanchez 9 years, 10 months ago

Welcome to Mrs. Taylor's Kindergarten Class!



Having fun at group time


This is our class wiki!  Basically, a wiki is an interactive website where you will be able to ask questions, view homework and calendars, view student work and videos, and even plan class parties.  I will try to update the wiki every week or two so you will always know what is going on. Look on the sidebar to your right and click on a page that interests you.  The Theme Page updates you on what we are doing in the classroom.  It also has some questions that you may answer if time allows.  I always like to hear more about you and your kiddos! The "Communication" page is set up for questions, comments, planning a class party, or any kind of communication we need between all of us.  This is NOT for anything confidential!  (Use my e-mail for that kind of thing).  There is also a page that has fun websites

In order to be successful, I advise you to download Mozilla Firefox onto your computer. To do that,varennes.jpg click here.


I will try to answer any questions you may have about this wiki, but please remember that I am a beginner! 





Boxing Gloves

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